

REVIEW YOUR journey to modern governance

The work of governance is never complete and involves continuous review and improvement.  The world is constantly changing, which will have direct impacts on business. Expectations in society change, creating new governance challenges. ESG and DEI are just recent examples.

GovernRight Review enables your organisation to step back. Assess where you are and in conjunction with your consultant, help you identify challenges and opportunities to adjust your governance regime.

To keep them fresh and alert to the demands of modern governance.

Consultants at TPPG work with organisations as they undertake these reviews using the GovernRight© Framework.  Our methodology includes regular measurement of where you are on your Path to Modern Governance including benchmarking your progress over time as well as against other similar organisations. Measurement against the Seven Pillars of Modern Governance is plotted on a visual matrix using our TPPG Benchmarking Tool and areas of both strengths and limitations are identified.

These reviews can focus on the Board alone as well as on the Board and Senior Management together.  In fact, TPPG consider the latter a more comprehensive way of reviewing governance in the organisation because both groups are so central to the organisation’s success.  Within such reviews there can also be “in camera” reviews of the board and senior management separately as well.